divendres, 25 de juny del 2010

Lou Wilson and Todays People "Blues Groove" (2005) ***** Estels.

Funk-R&B-Soul delicatessen.
Una veu de l´antiga escola de Mississippi.
Era cantant de Mandrill mitic grup dels 70tes.
Lou Wilson" is a balladeer, and consummate Blues man, who puts it down like no other, with his history of great songs, music and soulful vocals. You are truly in for a treat, as he winds you through the spirit of the soul, with rhythm and blues like yo.

2 comentaris:

Funktiago ha dit...

es veritat, musica negra feta a foc lent i sense colorants ni conservants...dues vegades va sonar a la revetlla...

Dani ha dit...

et sona com a cantant de Mandrill?


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